

In a cooperation with not only our local university, Universität Kassel, but also the bib International College we were joined by a group of future game designers, developers and artists on monday. As all of us are really busy developing the next Black Pants game, we have decided to have them roll a project of their own. I don’t want to spoil anything so take a look at their dev log over at their facebook page.

I might also post some bits and bites I find interesting here in the next weeks during their visit.

They already got familiar with our version control system, the coffeemachine and their workplace. If you want to get some insight you can also follow the personal accounts of
Malte (aka MtO pulse)

JetFox Team AvatarsJohn, Malte, Andreas, Peter, Tamino, Jannick (top left to bottom right)

We are very much looking forward to the process and the final game!