Greetings everyone! It`s been about time to throw a big THANKS on your screens, thanks for all the great feedback and mails you send us. This`ll all help us to make an awesome game! We took some quality time to rearrange our minds and restructure our little, five person black pants shack. And surely to regain our mighty game production pants!
Right now, we`ve already started working on the first Tiny&Big Episode, called “Grandfather`s Leftovers”. From now on, we are going deliver this newsletter monthly. It will contain some work in progress shots, artworks and of course some comic strips are in the making right now. From now on the blog will be updated regularly.
So long, and thanks again guys, we`re doing our best to deliver the first episode of T&B round the end of this year. Stay tuned!
Until then, feel free to mail us anytime and tell us what you think our visit our site or blog.
Back in March, shortly after we released the Tiny & Big demo, we we’re contacted by the fine folks over at PC Gamer, the “World’s Number One PC Games Magazine”. With great joy, we learned that they were about to cover Tiny & Big in their Top Free Downloads column of the UK print edition. The issue in question (#214/ June) is out since May, and we finally managed to lay our grubby little hands on it. They granted us the section’s top spot with a full page of glorious high gloss goodness! The article paints a very favorable picture of the game, accompanied by an actual picture of the game! Did I mention it’s a freckin’ full page? “The demo is still a beta version but already feels like a revelation”, the author states, putting even our own twisted propaganda to shame. The whole gazette is stuffed with awesome (and in color), so we respectfully recommend an instant purchase. It’s not available in kiosks anymore, but you can still order it online.
Until next time, Regards and Best, The Pants.
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